Bulgaria to impose new nationwide lockdown
Time: 2020/11/26 13:55     Author :  
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Bulgaria's Council of Ministers, the main authority of the executive power, on Wednesday decided to impose a new nationwide lockdown from Nov. 27 to Dec. 21 to contain the rapid spread of COVID-19.

New restrictions include suspension of in-person attendance of kindergartens, creches, schools and universities and discontinuing extracurricular activities for all age groups and the operation of training centers.

All congresses, conferences, seminars, trainings and other public, cultural and entertainment events will be canceled. Private parties will be limited to 15 persons. Athletes under 18 will be barred from competing and practicing except in international competitions that are already underway.

Gambling halls and casinos, fitness gyms, food-service and amusement establishments will be closed, and restaurants will be permitted to make home or office deliveries only. All package tours using organized transport and group visits to tourist sights will be discontinued.

Shopping malls will be closed except for food stores, pharmacies, opticians, pet shops, and banks and telecom offices. Convenience stores will not be closed.

Theaters may function at up to 30 percent seat occupancy and 1.5 meters physical distances between spectators. Churches, mosques and synagogues will remain open.

The new measures will take effect on Friday evening.

According to data of the Health Ministry on Tuesday, Bulgaria's COVID-19 death toll had risen to 3,069 and the number of confirmed infections has reached 124,966.

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